Joni's Journey

There are many ways to cleanse the soul, and fitness is one of them. I discovered my fitness journey about 4 years ago. At this point in my life, I was unhappy and feeling stagnant with a fixed-mindset. This was more than being unsatisfied by my appearance. I wasn’t happy with who I was and where life has taken me. Your health and well-being are all encompassing, and reflects on how you live just as much as how you look. I knew I needed to make change but didn’t know how, so I thought I’d start small (fitness). Little did I know, a fitness journey was the largest portion to creating change in my life. Over a few months’ time I started to see change in my body.

Here’s where it becomes all- encompassing; daily work-outs followed a better diet, both followed better sleep which resulted in positive energy. I morphed that positive energy into a healthy growth-mindset. Feeling better about myself, I could now take strides into changing my life. I changed my job completely from an IT specialist to a radio broadcaster, learned forgiveness, and found the GOD within me. Note: Large changes don’t happen overnight, but starting a fitness journey can.

Years later, I don’t recognize myself in the best way. My spirit is a phoenix. I’m the best version of myself and still have room for growth. Fitness opened those doors. It’s is more than appearance. Its Mind, Body and Soul. Fitness is Life.

Joni Jackson